Last week I talked about losing some of my sense of adventure as I got older. I didn't lose all my sense of adventure because I chose to go to college in Alaska. Alaska was far away from all of my family and friends and anyone that I knew. This was a big step for the shy girl who didn't make friends easily. It turned out to be one of the greatest adventures that I had ever had. It was a glorious experience that I never would have wanted to miss. I lived in Alaska for four years. I met my husband and had my first two children during these years. I saw majestic views and had a wonderful time. I have never lived anywhere quite like Alaska. The people and life style are all their own. Life there isn't so concerned with the hustle and bustle that life down here is so focused on. Going to college in Alaska is something that I will always treasure. I hope you enjoyed another view from my past. I would love it if you would share an adventure that you have had with me. Large or small these adventures give life joy and wonder.
Mo Hall
2/25/2014 07:35:44 pm
Oooh Janelle, you do ask good questions. I have had lots of adventures and hope to have lots more. Did you know I ran a horsedrawn omnibus service around the New Forest in the UK for 4 years during the summer? It was heaven. I am sad that it is over and one of the hardest life lessons I have had to learn recently is how to get over your dreams coming to an end. I have nearly learnt to come to terms with it, not sure if I ever will entirely. My business partner became terminally ill and as he was the driver we could not continue. The buses are still being used, down in Cornwall now, by the Lizard Stallions https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=The+Lizard+Stallions&rlz=1C1SVEF_enGB452GB453&espv=210&es_sm=93&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=_t0NU9PMOamV7Qaq84GwBw&ved=0CFwQsAQ&biw=1920&bih=1017#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=WMKk2lxUAYKgzM%253A%3BlSXcRSDQNoBeMM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.thelizardstallions.com%252Fs%252Fimg%252Femotionheader.jpg%253F1389037003.590px.488px%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.thelizardstallions.com%252Fservices%252F%3B590%3B488 and the horses are being used by a friend of ours doing logging in West Sussex, in fact they were in a TV programme about a competition we took part in (Obadiah is the one with the comma on his forehead http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-hidJbnvzGIc/UGQaESja4rI/AAAAAAAAYFI/DYE9j6S1MyQ/s1600/02.jpg), so although it is sad that my time with them is over, both the horses and the buses continue. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmty0h9xeoQ
2/25/2014 09:05:46 pm
Thanks for sharing Mo. I love horses and the countryside there looks lovely. Even though your dream ended at least you have some wonderful memories.
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![]() Serenity Cabin(URL HIDDEN) AK, United States Modern cabin in Alaska wooded setting. Warm and comfortable with a full bath, kitchenette, and loft. Twin over full sized bunk bed. Access to carport and space for larger vehicles. Only minutes... Janelle MarksI have a loving husband who thinks I'm a bit crazy to be so obsessed with art. I am a mother of five children from ages 21 to 5. I spend most of my time mothering and keeping house. In my free time I like to play with textiles, art journaling and painting. I have a degree in textile and apparel studies with a design focus. Right now I am more interested in fiber arts than apparel design, but I don't know where my journey will take me. Categories
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