I'll see you next week,
Find out more about my art, my process, and me here on my blog.
This week the SOC colors are lavender, grey, and a splash of plum These color were fun and inspired me to design a panel that wasn't a flower. I challenged myself to make every quilt block in this series relate to nature and have both machine and hand stitching. It is nice to create different themes for each block. So far I haven't added any backing or done much quilting in the backgrounds. I am planning on adding those details when all the blocks are done. These are the fabrics that I dyed for this project. I don't have any plum dye so I used a dark purple/red that I already had on hand. My lavender looks bluer in the photo than it is in real life, because my camera has problems with purples. It is a lovely color and one of my favorites. I knew what elements I wanted to use in this block from the beginning, but I played around with the placement a bit. I finally came up with something like this. I fused the fabrics down after I placed them just like I wanted and machine stitched the ground, tree, and the darker part of the sky. Then I added stitches for the leaves of the tree. I hope you enjoyed this week of SOC. You can see what the other artists are up to on this page.
I'll see you next week, Janelle
I am going to go on some extra artistic dates this week and next week. It is important to do things that make your artistic heart sing for joy. Going on art dates keeps me inspired and learning new ways of working.
I'm going to go to Hollanders this week. I have never been there before and am really looking forward to this visit. It is a shop filled with decorative and artist papers and book binding supplies. I have been wanting to make some new artistic books and journals for a while now. I'm planning on buying some supplies to make this happen. I love looking at pretty papers too. I'll share photos later if I end up with some pretty new papers. You can check out their shop here. Next Monday I get to go to an all day quilting workshop. I have been looking forward to this workshop for several months now. I am taking Garden of Eden by Laura Wasilowski. In this tempting class create a small art quilt teeming with every flower in creation. Build a blooming garden on a green base of lush leaves, curly ferns and wavy blades of grass. Add simple daisies, jolly tulips, and colorful chrysanthemums to the mix and you have a garden that Eve would envy. All from colorful fused fabrics. Directions for free cutting flowers, bias leaves and fused quilt assembly processes are covered. I'll share photos with you after I go to the workshop. It should be a fun day of learning and hanging out with other quilters. You can check out Laura's website here and see examples of her work. She is also giving a lecture at the Jackson quilt guild that evening. I'm sure that it will be an entertaining and informational lecture. Now that you know some of the art dates that I enjoy, please share your own ways to keep inspired and learning. Janelle The colors for this week are coral, teal, and a splash of bright white. I had a coral fabric to use, but I had to dye a teal. None of the ones that I had were quite the right color. I love dyeing fabric all different colors so that I have a stash of fabrics to use when I want to make some textile art. I also dyed a piece going for a pinker coral. I added a little too much pink for it to work, but I still have the pretty fabric for something else. After I got my fabric ready, I put the two pieces of fabric together with a piece of stabilizer in the middle. Then I free motion stitched flowers using a zig zag stitch. I cut the flowers out and stitched them to my teal quilt block with some white perle cotton thread. I love adding dimensional elements to my quilts. I think that all the quilt blocks will look wonderful turned into a quilt at the end. It will really come to life when I add the stitching to the backgrounds. I hope you enjoy my creative process. Have a good week,
Janelle I made a video last week when I was sun printing. Today I edited the video and put it up on YouTube. I hope that you enjoy seeing a bit more of my process. I will also put this and a link to making my sun printed pillows up on my free tutorial page in the next few days.
Have a great weekend, Janelle It is time for Summer of Color again. This has been one of my favorite summer art activities every year for the past three. I am expecting this summer to be a blast too. I love having color prompts that prod me into directions that I may not have gone in otherwise. The colors for this first week are aqua blue, yellow, and a splash of hot pink. I like using these colors anyway, so this one was fun and easy. This year I decided to make quilt blocks that are 6" x 6" and after all the color prompts I will make a wall hanging art quilt. I love making textile art and want to continue in that trend this summer. I'm going to try and stick with a nature theme this year as well. Here is my first quilt block. I used all cotton fabrics that I dyed myself. I added fusible to the back of the fabric, cut out each element, and fused them to the teal background. I added stems with embroidery thread and I machine stitched the flowers and the vase.
To see the whole quilt developed and finished please keep following along every week. Have a great week, Janelle Local people, what workshops would you be interested in taking from me?
• Painting a textured whimsy canvas • Painting an art journal page and learning more about art journaling • Dyeing cotton fabric • Making printed fabric art cloth • Sun printing fabric and making a pillow • Any other ideas I'm wondering what people are interested in learning. These workshops could be for adults, kids/teens, or a parent child mix. Please leave me a comment and let me know what you would have fun trying out. Janelle I am going to be selling my art at the Art, Beer, & Wine festival on Saturday at Ella Sharp Museum . If you are a local please come out and join the fun. I will have some new pieces for sale and many previous works. One of my new pieces is "Flourish". Just like flowers add beauty to our environment, so too does love add beauty to our souls. It is a mixed media painting that is "16 x 20". I hope to see you there. Have a great weekend.
Janelle |
![]() Serenity Cabin(URL HIDDEN) AK, United States Modern cabin in Alaska wooded setting. Warm and comfortable with a full bath, kitchenette, and loft. Twin over full sized bunk bed. Access to carport and space for larger vehicles. Only minutes... Janelle MarksI have a loving husband who thinks I'm a bit crazy to be so obsessed with art. I am a mother of five children from ages 21 to 5. I spend most of my time mothering and keeping house. In my free time I like to play with textiles, art journaling and painting. I have a degree in textile and apparel studies with a design focus. Right now I am more interested in fiber arts than apparel design, but I don't know where my journey will take me. Categories
April 2019
Check out my husband's website. He is a writer and has written about our life and many other amusing stories. |