Today I thought that I would share some of the patterns I have created in my hand dyed fabrics. Many of these are still in my stash of fabrics, but some I have used up. That is the wonderful thing about dyeing your own fabric, you can always dye more. You can created any pattern that you want, and allow for happy surprises too. I never get tired of the sometimes surprising results, they are wonderful too. Have a wonderful week,
This week I haven't gotten a new pattern made. I have a cold which is making me feel a bit rundown. I have been putting my energy into other projects which will be ready to share soon. I'll share a mandala that I created a while ago with you today as inspiration. Stay inspired even when life is slower and you aren't being as creative. There is a time for slowdowns in every persons' life as well as high energy creative times. This is what greeted me outside this morning when I was taking my kids to school. It's cold but beautiful all the same. Have a wonderful week everyone.
Janelle This week I did get a pattern done. I have been playing around with my compass making mandalas. This week I was feeling the oranges and teals, so that's what I used to color it in. I hope that you enjoy my play today. Now you go out and do something creative too.
Janelle I didn't manage to get a new pattern made for this week, but I did color in the one from last week. I used Prismacolor Pencils to color it in. It does take a while to fill in the design, but it is a nice relaxing process. I hope to have a new design to share next week. I also finished a new Lifebook lesson. This page was done in my art journal. It has a lot of texture from gesso. Inside the heart pocket I have a tag decorated, in part, with some of my previous artwork. The heart is made out of kraft paper that protected my art table. I love to save that paper and use it again in projects. I hope that you enjoy this view of my art week. Have a wonderful creative week yourself,
Janelle I was finally able to get back to Weekly Pattern Wednesday this week. I was unable to participate for a while because of my family's big move to Alaska. This week I made a kind of a mandala. I made basic sections and then filled them in with patterns. (Once I am able to find my compass I'll can make a fancier mandala.) I did have fun making all the patterns in each section. I haven't colored them in yet but I intend to work on that soon. Here is my mandala: I took a photo first since it's too big for my scanner, and then I cleaned it up some in Photoshop. I want to offer this pattern for you to download and color. I would love to see what you do with it too. Please share with me if you would like and personal use only. ![]()
Have a great week. I'll share my next journal page with you soon.
Janelle Hello everyone, I'm back with a new pattern. If you would like to see what everyone else created this week go here. I intended to add more to this pattern, but I got pretty busy today. My family and I are taking the wallpaper out of one of our bedrooms. We have lived here too long with this ugly wallpaper., but it is a time consuming sticky job. Hopefully I'll have more time next week to play around with a pattern. I'll see you back next week with a new pattern.
Janelle This week I filled in another shape with a pattern. I divided this oval into sections and put a different pattern in each one. Sometime I would like to color this one in, especially the center motif. If you want to see the patterns that the other artists created go here. Have a great week and I'll see you here next week.
Janelle I'm back with another pattern today. If you would like to see what pattern everyone else made go here. I filled in another shape this week. I chose a fish, I really like how it turned out. I may just keep filling in different shapes for a while and see how they go. I'll be back with another pattern and in the meantime have a great week.
Janelle I played around with filling in and around circles this week. It turned out a bit random, but I like it. Go here to see what other people created. Have a great week and I'll see you back next week with another pattern.
Janelle This week I created a simple flower pattern. I filled the petals with bubbles. I love stitching bubbles on my quilts and I would use this pattern to stitch on quilts. I would make the motif larger though, on fabric. If you would like to see what all the other patterns go here. Lynn also has a free gift this week for everyone. I'll see you next week with another pattern.
Janelle |
![]() Serenity Cabin(URL HIDDEN) AK, United States Modern cabin in Alaska wooded setting. Warm and comfortable with a full bath, kitchenette, and loft. Twin over full sized bunk bed. Access to carport and space for larger vehicles. Only minutes... Janelle MarksI have a loving husband who thinks I'm a bit crazy to be so obsessed with art. I am a mother of five children from ages 21 to 5. I spend most of my time mothering and keeping house. In my free time I like to play with textiles, art journaling and painting. I have a degree in textile and apparel studies with a design focus. Right now I am more interested in fiber arts than apparel design, but I don't know where my journey will take me. Categories
April 2019
Check out my husband's website. He is a writer and has written about our life and many other amusing stories. |