I used the Amiens Plan cathedral stencil, the Hemp Flower stencil and the Bodacious Pods stencil. For the hemp flower and the pod stencil I traced the stencil onto freezer paper. I only used part of the hemp flower stencil so that I could get individual flowers. I traced all the lines and then cut out around the outside of each shape. I saved these shapes for the sun printing.
You have to start with transparent fabric paint for this process to work. Opaque paint or thick paints won’t sun print. Setacolor by Pebeo or Profab by Pro Chemical and Dye transparent fabric paints both work well. I haven’t tried out other brands, but any thin paint should work. Mix your paint with water (2 parts water to 1 part paint). Place your fabric onto a plastic covered surface that you can move around. I used a small table. The plastic makes clean up much easier. I anchored the plastic with bricks so that any breeze would not blow the plastic up over the fabric.
For this next part you have to work quickly so that your fabric stays wet. I sprayed the fabric down with water so that it was very wet.
Then I applied the fabric paint and water mixture to the fabric in the shade. Paint the fabric with two to three colors and blend the edges. I sprayed the fabric with extra water to make the paint blend better.
I picked a coordinating thread for each piece of fabric and free-motion quilted the shapes and the negative space. For the cathedral I only did select lines, and for the others I followed the basic shape of the inside lines of the stencil.
Here is a link to another sun printing tutorial that explains more of the possibilities of this wonderful printing method.
I hope that you can find a way to brighten up your living spaces this week and maybe even make some pillows that you designed yourself.
Have a great weekend,